Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Wow! I suck!  I just posted two baby bump pictures and I am still behind a week.  I need to get Glenn on the ball tomorrow to take my picture before the week changes! Well, the past couple of weeks have been quite busy here.  Nan and Aunt Yvonne were here for two weeks and actually just left today. We did lots of shopping, painted the downstairs bathroom and decorated for Christmas.  Mom arrived on Thanksgiving day and leaves again on Sunday.  It has been madness here.  As luck should have it, we all got the stomach flu that is going around and we got it bad.  Our Thanksgiving dinner did not include Glenn or Isabella because they were both too sick to eat.  Mom at that point had not gotten sick so she was able to get in a meal before all the drama! I had wonderful plans for Isabella to make handprint turkeys but that never happened :(  As bad as it was for all us to be sick during Thanksgiving, at least we were together!  Thanksgiving night we loaded into the car and Nan and Aunt Yvonne had their first real Black Friday experience.  Target opened at 9pm this year and we got in the car and drove there 8:45.  We arrived and the line up was around the building.  I couldn't believe it!  Of course, at this point our lovely weather turned into a snow, icy mixture and it was freezing.  Aunt Yvonne and I went to lineup and Mom and Nan waited in the car until the doors opened. Even though, we were not the first ones in line and there were probably 200 people in front of us, we were able to get everything that we went there for!  Nick arrived on Saturday to spend the day and night with us and he never even seen Mom but it was great having him here. Isabella clearly remembered him because she was pretty much on top of him the whole time he was here.  Today is Mom's birthday and she is still not feeling 100% but we managed to celebrate the best we could! Tomorrow, hopefully, she is back to normal and we will be attempting the Mall of America!

Baby Bump - 25 weeks

Baby Bump - 24 weeks

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

MAB's new boat!

So, Da Pa's (Isabella's name for her grandfather) first gift to Isabella was a rocking horse that to this day she loves and he thought it was only fitting that the new baby's first gift was also a rocking horse.  Well, we are doing a nautical theme for his room and I found online a rocking boat which I fell in love with.  I showed it to Dad and Glenn and they were both super excited as well so Dad bought the baby the pirate ship rocking chair.  It arrived this week and was in a super huge box so Glenn put it together the night before last.  It is absolutely beautiful and we couldn't believe how nice it was! The baby is going to love it! Thanks Da Pa!

Halloween at the Bowering Residence

Isabella had quite the day yesterday celebrating Halloween.  Yesterday, we had Mommy and Me and all the kids dressed up. Isabella wore her Cinderella costume and was quite happy with the fact that she was a Princess.  She even shocked me by wearing her crown for the majority of class!  After class, we hung out at the playground at school with a couple of her friends.  Taryn and I then brought the girls to Snuffy's for lunch where the girls had a ball.  They were laughing all during lunch and found each other quite amusing especially when they decided to pretend that they were dinosaurs and continued to roar until we left.  We then went to Excelsior for the Excelsior Elementary school parade.  All the kids parade down main street in costume.  They are led by a band and there are lots of fire trucks and police cars involved.  The girls had quite the time and I got some really cute pictures.  After the parade, we went home and we both took a little nap.  A very little nap because Glenn was home by 3:30.  We then changed into our night costumes.  Glenn and I wore our robber costumes and Isabella put on her pig outfit.  We ran to Chiptole and picked up supper and then Mike joined us.  We ate and then went trick or treating at just a couple neighbourhood houses while Mike held down the fort! By the time we got home, Isabella was exhausted so she went to bed!  We woke up this morning however and she insisted on putting back on her Pig costume so she still has it on now!  She has got to be warm but she absolutely loves it so I will let her be :)  She is so funny.  The past week, her vocabulary has just taken off and she is talking non-stop.  This morning when I was cleaning upstairs, she came to me with a circle and said "Mommy, this is a circle.  It's a shape.  It has three sides and three angles".  LOL...I guess her love of Sesame Street is paying off because they always teach children their shapes by getting them to count the sides and the angles.  She is a little thrown off by the circle but its all starting to sink in.  During lunch, we had leftover Chiptole tacos which my child loves!  She started eating it and said "Mommy, this taco is spicy...MMM...." I could seriously squat that child. She is having all of her friends over on Saturday for a Halloween party so I am sure that there will be lots more pictures to share!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Silly Isabella

Isabella having a Tea Party :)

Isabella painting this morning
So, I don't think ever in her life, Isabella will hear that she is a wallflower. She is definitely quite the opposite and is becoming quite the little spitfire who makes me laugh daily. We have started Mommy and Me class again and she enjoys it. They do art projects, sing songs (which she does not sit down for) and there are lots of new toys there to play with. They also do a seperation hour where the parents go upstairs and meet with a teacher educator and the kids all stay downstairs and do activites with the child development workers.  I think this is great for Isabella where I stay home with her because she really needs the seperation time.  We do a lot of playdates but I am always there and its not very often that she gets to experience the whole leaving and coming back scenerio.  One of her favorite things to do is to paint and this week we have been experimenting with different ways to paint.  We made a huge art box today where she can place a piece of paper inside and then add objects that we dip in paint to see what designs they make. She absolutely loved it especially when we put in golf balls! Isabella has had a great week in regards to sleeping and eating so I think we are back on schedule from our vacation. Lol... There is one bad habit that apparently has not been broke from our vacation. A couple of days ago, we were in the kitchen cooking and she ran off to find her ball. Well, she found it and started rolling it on our kitchen floor but it went over the ledge into our living room. Isabella looks at me and asks " Mommy, where ball go?". I replied that it went over the ledge into the other room. Isabella then lifts her arms up over her head, slapping them down on her hips and looks at me and says with much drama "oh, Jesus". I was shocked because she has not said it since the time in Newfoundland when we went over the bump in the car! I pretended to not hear her because I was trying not to laugh but inside I was bubbling over and had to call Glenn as soon as Isabella went out of the room. She is quite the character! Isabella has also really been into having tea parties lately and is always asking for water for her kettle and taking you by the hand to her table and pouring you up tea, she is so sweet!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's a..... BOY!!!!

Yayyyyy!!! This afternoon, the three of us went to the ultrasound appointment. We were able to check out the baby for close to a hour so it was well worth the trip! In the first 5 minutes, they located the parts that we were waiting to see and sure enough, there were boy parts!!!! The baby looks a lot like Isabella at this age, both of their legs are super long and way up over their heads. During the ultrasound, the baby was moving around a lot so I asked the ultrasound tech to tell me what part was jabbing me so hard, lol, it turned out to be the shoulder. Glenn is super excited because he thinks we have a little hockey player on our hands who is already checking :) I am 100% percent confident in the name that we have picked out for him but Glenn wants to wait a little while longer before we announce it!

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Baby...

So, I thought that it was about time that I started blogging about the new addition to our family.  We are almost 21 weeks pregnant and will be expecting a brand, new bundle of joy around February 22nd, 2013.  I feel awesome even though I feel like I am huge already.  We had our ultrasound on Wednesday and the baby did not coperate with the ultra sound tech in showing his or her sex.  The tech thought she saw something between the legs but then the baby automatically moved so she was unable to confirm anything but said that she would say 70% percent boy.  At the our neural scan at 12 weeks, the tech said she would guess boy at 60% so I think it is a boy!  We are super excited and Isabella could care less :)  I needed some retail therapy after the big ultrasound so went to Pottery Barn Kids and made use of my Friends and Family discount.  I created a registry for MAB and decided on a nautical theme for his nursery.  LOL...If it's not a boy, I will just return the things that I bought but I am quite confident in my purchases.  The OB/GYN on Friday said that she would guess it was a boy as well because of the heartbeat.  It was 152 on Friday.  Isabella's heartbeat was always high and I don't think it ever fell under 165. She said that if I wanted another ultrasound that I could make an appointment at the university and they do hour long ultra sounds there to determine sex, so of course, I am all over that.  Waiting for them to call me back with my appointment as we speak. As soon, as Glenn gets home today, I will take a bump picture since we are behind on those as well.  Stay tuned!