Monday, October 15, 2012

New Baby...

So, I thought that it was about time that I started blogging about the new addition to our family.  We are almost 21 weeks pregnant and will be expecting a brand, new bundle of joy around February 22nd, 2013.  I feel awesome even though I feel like I am huge already.  We had our ultrasound on Wednesday and the baby did not coperate with the ultra sound tech in showing his or her sex.  The tech thought she saw something between the legs but then the baby automatically moved so she was unable to confirm anything but said that she would say 70% percent boy.  At the our neural scan at 12 weeks, the tech said she would guess boy at 60% so I think it is a boy!  We are super excited and Isabella could care less :)  I needed some retail therapy after the big ultrasound so went to Pottery Barn Kids and made use of my Friends and Family discount.  I created a registry for MAB and decided on a nautical theme for his nursery.  LOL...If it's not a boy, I will just return the things that I bought but I am quite confident in my purchases.  The OB/GYN on Friday said that she would guess it was a boy as well because of the heartbeat.  It was 152 on Friday.  Isabella's heartbeat was always high and I don't think it ever fell under 165. She said that if I wanted another ultrasound that I could make an appointment at the university and they do hour long ultra sounds there to determine sex, so of course, I am all over that.  Waiting for them to call me back with my appointment as we speak. As soon, as Glenn gets home today, I will take a bump picture since we are behind on those as well.  Stay tuned!

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