Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween at the Bowering Residence

Isabella had quite the day yesterday celebrating Halloween.  Yesterday, we had Mommy and Me and all the kids dressed up. Isabella wore her Cinderella costume and was quite happy with the fact that she was a Princess.  She even shocked me by wearing her crown for the majority of class!  After class, we hung out at the playground at school with a couple of her friends.  Taryn and I then brought the girls to Snuffy's for lunch where the girls had a ball.  They were laughing all during lunch and found each other quite amusing especially when they decided to pretend that they were dinosaurs and continued to roar until we left.  We then went to Excelsior for the Excelsior Elementary school parade.  All the kids parade down main street in costume.  They are led by a band and there are lots of fire trucks and police cars involved.  The girls had quite the time and I got some really cute pictures.  After the parade, we went home and we both took a little nap.  A very little nap because Glenn was home by 3:30.  We then changed into our night costumes.  Glenn and I wore our robber costumes and Isabella put on her pig outfit.  We ran to Chiptole and picked up supper and then Mike joined us.  We ate and then went trick or treating at just a couple neighbourhood houses while Mike held down the fort! By the time we got home, Isabella was exhausted so she went to bed!  We woke up this morning however and she insisted on putting back on her Pig costume so she still has it on now!  She has got to be warm but she absolutely loves it so I will let her be :)  She is so funny.  The past week, her vocabulary has just taken off and she is talking non-stop.  This morning when I was cleaning upstairs, she came to me with a circle and said "Mommy, this is a circle.  It's a shape.  It has three sides and three angles".  LOL...I guess her love of Sesame Street is paying off because they always teach children their shapes by getting them to count the sides and the angles.  She is a little thrown off by the circle but its all starting to sink in.  During lunch, we had leftover Chiptole tacos which my child loves!  She started eating it and said "Mommy, this taco is spicy...MMM...." I could seriously squat that child. She is having all of her friends over on Saturday for a Halloween party so I am sure that there will be lots more pictures to share!

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