Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Wow! I suck!  I just posted two baby bump pictures and I am still behind a week.  I need to get Glenn on the ball tomorrow to take my picture before the week changes! Well, the past couple of weeks have been quite busy here.  Nan and Aunt Yvonne were here for two weeks and actually just left today. We did lots of shopping, painted the downstairs bathroom and decorated for Christmas.  Mom arrived on Thanksgiving day and leaves again on Sunday.  It has been madness here.  As luck should have it, we all got the stomach flu that is going around and we got it bad.  Our Thanksgiving dinner did not include Glenn or Isabella because they were both too sick to eat.  Mom at that point had not gotten sick so she was able to get in a meal before all the drama! I had wonderful plans for Isabella to make handprint turkeys but that never happened :(  As bad as it was for all us to be sick during Thanksgiving, at least we were together!  Thanksgiving night we loaded into the car and Nan and Aunt Yvonne had their first real Black Friday experience.  Target opened at 9pm this year and we got in the car and drove there 8:45.  We arrived and the line up was around the building.  I couldn't believe it!  Of course, at this point our lovely weather turned into a snow, icy mixture and it was freezing.  Aunt Yvonne and I went to lineup and Mom and Nan waited in the car until the doors opened. Even though, we were not the first ones in line and there were probably 200 people in front of us, we were able to get everything that we went there for!  Nick arrived on Saturday to spend the day and night with us and he never even seen Mom but it was great having him here. Isabella clearly remembered him because she was pretty much on top of him the whole time he was here.  Today is Mom's birthday and she is still not feeling 100% but we managed to celebrate the best we could! Tomorrow, hopefully, she is back to normal and we will be attempting the Mall of America!

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