Monday, October 22, 2012

It's a..... BOY!!!!

Yayyyyy!!! This afternoon, the three of us went to the ultrasound appointment. We were able to check out the baby for close to a hour so it was well worth the trip! In the first 5 minutes, they located the parts that we were waiting to see and sure enough, there were boy parts!!!! The baby looks a lot like Isabella at this age, both of their legs are super long and way up over their heads. During the ultrasound, the baby was moving around a lot so I asked the ultrasound tech to tell me what part was jabbing me so hard, lol, it turned out to be the shoulder. Glenn is super excited because he thinks we have a little hockey player on our hands who is already checking :) I am 100% percent confident in the name that we have picked out for him but Glenn wants to wait a little while longer before we announce it!

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