Friday, October 26, 2012

Silly Isabella

Isabella having a Tea Party :)

Isabella painting this morning
So, I don't think ever in her life, Isabella will hear that she is a wallflower. She is definitely quite the opposite and is becoming quite the little spitfire who makes me laugh daily. We have started Mommy and Me class again and she enjoys it. They do art projects, sing songs (which she does not sit down for) and there are lots of new toys there to play with. They also do a seperation hour where the parents go upstairs and meet with a teacher educator and the kids all stay downstairs and do activites with the child development workers.  I think this is great for Isabella where I stay home with her because she really needs the seperation time.  We do a lot of playdates but I am always there and its not very often that she gets to experience the whole leaving and coming back scenerio.  One of her favorite things to do is to paint and this week we have been experimenting with different ways to paint.  We made a huge art box today where she can place a piece of paper inside and then add objects that we dip in paint to see what designs they make. She absolutely loved it especially when we put in golf balls! Isabella has had a great week in regards to sleeping and eating so I think we are back on schedule from our vacation. Lol... There is one bad habit that apparently has not been broke from our vacation. A couple of days ago, we were in the kitchen cooking and she ran off to find her ball. Well, she found it and started rolling it on our kitchen floor but it went over the ledge into our living room. Isabella looks at me and asks " Mommy, where ball go?". I replied that it went over the ledge into the other room. Isabella then lifts her arms up over her head, slapping them down on her hips and looks at me and says with much drama "oh, Jesus". I was shocked because she has not said it since the time in Newfoundland when we went over the bump in the car! I pretended to not hear her because I was trying not to laugh but inside I was bubbling over and had to call Glenn as soon as Isabella went out of the room. She is quite the character! Isabella has also really been into having tea parties lately and is always asking for water for her kettle and taking you by the hand to her table and pouring you up tea, she is so sweet!

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