Saturday, June 26, 2010


We had a really bad storm here last night! Tornado sirens were going off, high winds, hail, tons of rain, thunder and lighting, you name it, we had it! Rae's last day at CH Robinson was yesterday and we did a Happy Hour for her after work, the weather was that bad that the bar announced that we couldn't leave and to stay away from the windows. Scary!!! Glenn just left for Boston airport. The poor kid started through security and just called to say that he couldn't find his wallet. He went back to the car and I guess it was laying on the ground besides his car! He was lucky that nobody stole it! He works through the night and then will be back in Minneapolis tomorrow morning. BUT, then leaves for LA again on Monday morning! Nan and Aunt Carol get here on Tuesday so we are super excited for that. Operation: Clean the House starts now!

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