Thursday, June 17, 2010

The First 3d Ultrasound! June 17, 2010 or Mommy's Little Supermodel

Isabella is really moving around! From our doctor's appointment on Tuesday, she is completely flipped over again and unfortunately, this time she is bundled up with her legs up over her head. Which means, we did not have the best 3d ultrasound appointment because John, the tech could not really get that many great pictures of her profile. We did find out that she has super long legs (check out picture #1) and kind of big feet. Krista, Neil, Verna and Lloyd all were able to view the ultrasound while it happened. The best news of the day is that John is going to let us come back for another session free of charge within the next month so that we can try it again!!

Picture 2 - She still has her legs up but you can see a better picture of her face. She has her arm squished up against her cheek. Cutest baby EVER :) You can enlarge all the pictures on this blog by double clicking on the picture!

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