Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baby Bump - 29 weeks


We had a really bad storm here last night! Tornado sirens were going off, high winds, hail, tons of rain, thunder and lighting, you name it, we had it! Rae's last day at CH Robinson was yesterday and we did a Happy Hour for her after work, the weather was that bad that the bar announced that we couldn't leave and to stay away from the windows. Scary!!! Glenn just left for Boston airport. The poor kid started through security and just called to say that he couldn't find his wallet. He went back to the car and I guess it was laying on the ground besides his car! He was lucky that nobody stole it! He works through the night and then will be back in Minneapolis tomorrow morning. BUT, then leaves for LA again on Monday morning! Nan and Aunt Carol get here on Tuesday so we are super excited for that. Operation: Clean the House starts now!

Isabella's Nursery - June 25th - Plastering #1 - done!

After being bad and staying up until 4 am the night before, Glenn has the first coat of plastering done...

Isabella's Nursery - June 24th - Dry Wall Done!

Isabella's Nursery - June 23rd - Wiring Done!

Glenn has completed the wiring in the nursery today. He has speakers installed in the celling for music, our sconces will be attached to the switch by the door, the security system is installed AND he has the wiring completed for both a fan and the household intercom. Who has the smartest dad EVER? Isabella!!!

Isabella's Nursery - June 21st - Vapor Barrier Up!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The First 3d Ultrasound! June 17, 2010 or Mommy's Little Supermodel

Isabella is really moving around! From our doctor's appointment on Tuesday, she is completely flipped over again and unfortunately, this time she is bundled up with her legs up over her head. Which means, we did not have the best 3d ultrasound appointment because John, the tech could not really get that many great pictures of her profile. We did find out that she has super long legs (check out picture #1) and kind of big feet. Krista, Neil, Verna and Lloyd all were able to view the ultrasound while it happened. The best news of the day is that John is going to let us come back for another session free of charge within the next month so that we can try it again!!

Picture 2 - She still has her legs up but you can see a better picture of her face. She has her arm squished up against her cheek. Cutest baby EVER :) You can enlarge all the pictures on this blog by double clicking on the picture!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Isabella's Nursery - June 16th - Ceiling is done!!! Working on walls!

Isabella's Nursery - June 13th - Mike comes to help!

I need to figure out how to upload these pictures properly because they always go in backwards order! Glenn and Mike put up the ceiling in Isabella's room today. Glenn just needs to cut out the holes for the fan and the vents and it will be done!!

Isabella's Nursery - June 12th

Glenn ripped down the ceiling today!!

June 15th - Doctor's Appointment

Tuesday, we had our monthly doctor's appointment. Dr. Locher said that we were measuring big and that babies around 28 weeks usually weigh in at around 1000 grams or 2.2 lbs. Isabella is estimated to be over 1400 grams or 3.3 lbs right now. I asked if we could have an ultrasound just to check her out and since we were the last patients of the day, he did one. She is now in the proper position with her head down and the pain that I am having underneath my ribs is her kicking me! She was dancing all over the place and the doctor couldn't get over how active she was. Tomorrow is our 3d ultrasound!!!

Baby Bump - 27 weeks

Baby Bump - 26 weeks

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Isabella's a busy girl!

The past couple of weeks, I have really been able to feel Isabella turning over and kicking. Sometimes, while I am sitting still, I can even see my stomach move. For the first time on Thursday, Glenn was finally able to feel her really kick instead of the little flutters that he had been feelling. As we speak, Glenn is in the midst of tearing the celling down from Isabella's room so I will be sure to post some pictures of the progress once I can get close. This is a big week for the Bowering family... Glenn hopes to have the wiring and sheet rock done in her room this week so that we can start painting. On Tuesday, we have our monthly doctor's appointment and on Thursday, we have our 3d/4d ultrasound!!! We can't wait to get a closer look at Isabella. I am still trying to upload belly pictures for weeks 26 and 27 along with some of the few pictures that we took in Florida, so check back soon!!!

Baby Bump - 25 weeks

Our Secret Garden!!

On May 23rd, the weekend before we went to Florida, Glenn and I went to the nursery and picked out some of the veggies and herb that we wanted for our garden. In the very back corner of our yard, we decided to create a secret garden full of tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and lots of different kinds of hot peppers!