Sunday, January 6, 2013

Baby News!

At our appointment on Wednesday, I was measuring a little big so Dr.Locher ordered an ultrasound for Friday. Sure enough the little guy is already close to 5lbs, is super long like Isabella and has enough hair that it can be picked up on the ultrasound. He is supposed to gain 1/2 lb a week until he is born so I am expecting him to be close to 10lbs! So much for buying newborn size clothing! He is still lying sideways with his butt up in my rib cage and his feet super close to my bladder. The ultrasound tech said I would probably need a c-section even if I never had one planned because of his position and the tight space he is in. You can even see the little chub rolls on his belly, super cute. I will scan in my ultrasound pictures soon. Lol....there is also no doubt about the fact that he is a boy and was definitely not shy this time around showing the goods! Glenn is upstairs in his room right now finishing off the wiring. After lunch we are going to pick up the molding and then everything will be done in his room except for the closet. I am excited to get things together and in their place. We really need to get on the ball! There are a ton of things we still need to pick up before he arrives. I just remembered that we never took a belly bump picture this past week :( will need to get Glenn to take my 32 week picture shortly!

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