Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Godfather

So, we had some great news today. Isabella had sent Nick a card asking him to be her Godfather on Monday and has been waiting for a response for quite some time. Nick apparently was being a slacker and never checked his mail all week but did today after I yelled him. He called on his way golfing and said that he would be honored. Isabella is super excited!

Reasons why Nick will be a good God Father according to Isabella:
1) He can golf and she wants to turn pro, so hopefully lots of lessons
2) He likes to shop and nothing makes Izzy happy like a shopping trip
3) All real God Fathers should have some Italian in them not only because they share great family recipes but because they can make anybody who is mean to her, swim with the fishies like in the Sopranos.

1 comment:

  1. I may seem like a nice guy, but wait until she starts high school.
