Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baby Bump - 24 weeks

Baby Bump - 23 weeks

Isabella's Nursery - The demolition begins!

May 15th - Sean and Mike came over and helped Glenn take off the sheet rock from Isabella's room. Glenn is going to start rewiring this weekend, along with replacing the insulation!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Fairy Godmother!


Izzy is super excited to announce that the card that she sent her Auntie Lesley worked and she accepted the role as her Godmother!! YAYYYYY!!!

Reasons according to Izzy why Auntie Lesley is pretty much going to be the BEST godmother ever:
1) The girl can shop (common tie to Nick, the godfather).
2) Lesley knows that life is too short to waste time on food that is just mediocre.
3) She likes to go on beach vacations and Izzy enjoys warm places
4) One word - Napoleons

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Godfather

So, we had some great news today. Isabella had sent Nick a card asking him to be her Godfather on Monday and has been waiting for a response for quite some time. Nick apparently was being a slacker and never checked his mail all week but did today after I yelled him. He called on his way golfing and said that he would be honored. Isabella is super excited!

Reasons why Nick will be a good God Father according to Isabella:
1) He can golf and she wants to turn pro, so hopefully lots of lessons
2) He likes to shop and nothing makes Izzy happy like a shopping trip
3) All real God Fathers should have some Italian in them not only because they share great family recipes but because they can make anybody who is mean to her, swim with the fishies like in the Sopranos.

First Ultra Sound Pictures - January 25th

Here are our first ultra sound pictures from January.

Let's see how accurate this is!

So, a while back just when we found out that we were having a baby, I had the brillant idea of morphing together our pictures to see what the baby would look like. Here are the results....

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Isabella received her first piece of mail today!!! Nick's mom, Maria gave her the Natalie Merchant Lullaby cd that she is super excited to listen to. Thanks Maria!!

Isabella's Nursery

Isabella's Nursery! We are doing a Garden theme for her room and we just received a box of goodies from Nan and Pop from Pottery Barn Kids with her bedding, mobile, books and blankets!!

Baby Bump - 22 weeks

Baby Bump - 21 weeks

Baby Bump - 20 weeks

Baby Bump - 19 weeks

Baby Bump - 18 weeks

Baby Bump - 17 weeks

Baby Bump - 16 weeks

Baby Bump - 15 weeks

Baby Bump - 14 weeks

Here it is! The first baby bump picture we took at 14 weeks!

Renovations - Living Room - April 22nd

Renovations - Living Room - April 17th