Thursday, January 31, 2013

Isabella Part 2

Isabella :)

Baby Update

3 weeks from today and Maxwell will be here!  I am finally starting to feel ready with his room almost complete.  Rae and Milke are throwing us a baby shower on Saturday at our house with all of our friends so we are pretty excited to celebrate the arrival of Maxwell with everybody. My Mom and Dad arrive on the 16th and we are more than ready for them to arrive! We had our 36 week check up yesterday and the baby is still measuring quite big. As well, I have been super uncomfortable lately and the doctor checked and he is now head down and quite low so that's probably the reason.  He is always moving and I still feel like he is going to come out 10lbs.  I don't remember Isabella moving half this amount and she was such a mellow baby... LOL... Perhaps an indicator of things to come.  This little guy is going to keep me on my toes!

Baby Bump -35 weeks

Maxwell's Room - Almost Done!

This past weekend we finally finished up Maxwell's bedroom. We are missing some decorative things but most everything will be delivered by Saturday. As well, my Mom and Dad are bringing down some old boat prints that my grandfather used to own so I am pretty excited about them and they are going to look great with the whole nautical theme that we have going on..  The room looks awesome and Isabella is a big fan.  If you can't find her guarenteed she is in Maxwell's crib. Isabella was a huge help to Glenn painting the closet doors...

Baby Bump - 33 weeks

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lol...I guess his name is no longer a secret...

We decided on the baby's name shortly after we found out that he was a boy. His name is going to be Maxwell ! We love it and it has meaning for us because it was my grandfather's name. We are still undecided on the middle name or names. So, the cat is out of the bag and we can now refer to him by his name!

His room - a work in progress...

We hired a contractor to paint and tear down the ceiling in the babies room and this was all done before Christmas. Glenn is in the midst of finishing the wiring now. We still have to install the fan and lights plus Glenn needs to install shelving in the closet but we are getting closer. I love the color! It turned out how I imagined :) We are doing a nautical theme so it will work well with the final image that I have in my mind!

Baby Bump - 32 weeks