Saturday, August 21, 2010


So, our air conditioner died last weekend. We were hoping that it would die before our home owner's warranty expired and it happened during the best possible time because a) Glenn was in town and b) the heat wave that we were experiencing the week before ended and the temperature was not bad last week. We have been grabbing/making things for dinner that require the least amount of time in the kitchen or have been eating out. Today, however has been another story, we had baby class this morning and by the time we got home, it was pretty warm in here. So, I pretty much hung out in the pool the whole afternoon and took a nap outside because it was cooler out there than inside. I now understand the term kankles because my poor feets, ankles and legs are pretty swollen. We are hoping that they get the compressor part needed in this week so that they can come repair it before we bring Isabella home. My mom gets here on Wednesday and then Dad gets here on Saturday so it's becoming quite real :) Our baby class this morning was newborn care and breastfeeding and I think Glenn really enjoyed it. Glenn was all over learning how to change diapers and he can swaddle a baby like a pro now. Since these classes are over, I think we are officially ready.... Well, I still need to pack my hospital bag but getting close!!

Baby Bump - 37 weeks

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Renovations - Living Room - August 5th and 6th

Renovations - Living Room - The Demolition REALLY begins....August 1st

Isabella's Nursery - The Day After the Baby Shower!

Isabella's Baby Shower

On July 17th, Heather, Lindsay, Rae and Rita threw us a baby shower. It was the best baby shower ever despite the tornado sirens that blared and the torrential rain showers that continued from later afternoon through the night. Thank you to all our friends who attended and for all the wonderful gifts that Isabella received! xoxox

Baby Bump - 35 weeks

Baby Bump - 34 weeks